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Integrating Logistics

Adding a logistics provider which ships packaged goods is a common need for medical apps and services. Common shipments include:

  • At home lab tests
  • Durable Medical Equipment (DME) sent to home
  • At-home pharmacy

Many compainies use third party logistics (3PL) to do fulfillment. Examples of these providers are Fulfulled By Amazon (FBA) or ShipBob that warehouses inventory and sends goods to customers.

This guide will show you

  • How to integrate with a sample 3PL provider (in this case Easypost)
  • How to enable communication between the Easypost (3PL) and Medplum
  • How to link your shipments to your medical records stored in FHIR
  • Security and compliance best practices for the integration.

The Workflow

When we this implementation is complete, the whole workflow below will be done in an automated way with without human intervention.

  • Update a ServiceRequest when a package is shipped to a Patient's home
  • Link a Tracker url (that shows the delivery history of a package) to a ServiceRequest.
  • Receive updates as that shipment moves through the mail service to the Patient via Easypost Webhooks and update the ServiceRequest accordingly.

The Implementation

Account and Policy Setup

  • Make sure you have an account on Medplum, if not, register.
  • Make sure you have an account on Easypost, if not, register
  • Create a ClientApplication on Medplum called "Easypost Webhook".
  • (Optional) Create a very restrictive AccessPolicy called "Easypost", make it so that the policy only allows readwrite on the ServiceRequest.
  • (Optional) In the ProjectAdmin dashboard apply the "Easypost" policy to the ClientApplication by clicking Access.

Bot Setup

  • Linking the logistics system, Easypost, to Medplum is done through Medplum Bots.

  • At a high level, webhooks are sent from Easypost to Medplum, updating data in Medplum based on the contents of the Webhook.

  • This example assumes that there is a ServiceRequest with an identifier that matches the Easypost shipment_id.

  • This example assumes that the Easypost Event JSON Object is posted to the Bot endpoint and serves as the data synced between systems. As you can see from the code, it contains a tracker object with a public_url, a tracking_code and other details which we will use to populate the ServiceRequest.

  • Make the Easypost subscription bot that will listen for webhooks

    • First, create a bot called EasyPost Shipment Handler and save it
    • Paste the code below into the Bot you created and save.
    export async function handler(medplum, event) {
    const input = event.input;
    // The input is an Easypost Event
    const reference = input['id'];
    const status = input['status'];
    const description = input['description'];

    // If this is not an Easypost tracker event, let's ignore it
    if (!description.toLowerCase().includes('tracker')) {
    console.log(reference + ' is not a tracking event');

    const { shipment_id, tracking_code, public_url } = input.result;

    // Find the ServiceRequest that has the Easypost reference
    const serviceRequest = await medplum.searchOne('ServiceRequest', 'identifier=' + shipment_id);

    if (!serviceRequest) {
    console.log('Shipment ServiceRequest not found');

    const result = await medplum.updateResource({
    orderDetail: [
    text: 'easypost_tracker',
    coding: [
    system: '',
    code: 'public_url',
    display: public_url,
    text: 'easypost_status',
    coding: [
    system: '',
    code: 'status',
    display: status,
    text: 'easypost_status',
    coding: [
    system: '',
    code: 'tracker',
    display: tracker,

Before moving this bot to production, you should consider the following:

  • You should do HMAC signature check as part of your bot to ensure that the request actually came from Easypost.

Easypost Webhook creation

Next stage is to create a Webhook in Easypost and configure it to connect to Medplum.

  • First, create a ClientApplication in Medplum and note the <client-application-id> and <client-secret>
  • Next, create a Webhook in Easypost. For the URL contstruct it as follows (using the <bot-id> from the bot you created in the previous section).

That's it, you are done! Test a couple of requests by making labels, and you should see the data propagating through the system, with ServiceRequests getting updated as a shiment moves through the mail.